I'm not even sure if anyone reads this blog, but that's ok, its still fun!!!
So lately we've been trying to teach Decklan to wave 'bye bye'. He gets it some of the time! He waves his entire arm, from his shoulder. His arm stays stiff and straight, but it goes up and down! Well, we've been having some struggles at nap time, and today was no exception. Let's just say he did NOT want to be in his crib today! But mommy won that battle! :) After his nap, I picked him up out of his crib and he looked at his crib, then looked at the middle of his room and started waving 'bye bye'! He didnt want to be in his room anymore, he wanted it to go 'bye bye'! When we came out of the room, he stopped waving! Sooo funny!!!
Here's a semi-recent pic of the two boys at church...

EWWW! There's kissing in these pictures!!!